So you want to become an RN? Now, one of the most important steps is to pass NCLEX RN board exam. But how do you create the best NCLEX study…
How To Create The Best NCLEX Study Plan?
So you want to become an RN? Now, one of the most important steps is to pass the NCLEX RN board exam. But how do you create the best NCLEX…
Is Anatomy and Physiology Hard?
Nursing students often ask me Is anatomy and physiology hard? My answer? It depends on how you look at it.Many students feel that anatomy and physiology are complex subjects. It…
9 Good Signs You Passed NCLEX 2022
So you’ve just finished nursing school and are preparing to take the NCLEX. You’re probably feeling a mix of emotions – relieved, excited, anxious, maybe even a little scared. But…
10 Best Side Jobs For Nursing Students!
<img class=”tve_image wp-image-4303 jetpack-lazy-image” alt=”A night shift nurse preparing for her night shift.” data-id=”4303″ data-init-width=”2000″ data-init-height=”1335″ title=”Depositphotos_312310652_L” loading=”lazy” src=”” data-width=”671″ data-height=”448″ data-link-wrap=”true” width=”671″ height=”448″ data-lazy-src=”″ srcset=”″><noscript><img class=”tve_image wp-image-4303″ alt=”A night…
7 Best Hoka Shoes for Nurses In 2022!
There’s nothing more important to a nurse than her feet. When you’re on your feet all day, every day, you need shoes that can keep up with the demands of your job—and that’s where Hoka shoes for nurses come in.
Hoka shoes were designed with this in mind. They’re made with a special cushioning system which distributes weight evenly across your foot and reduces impact on joints and bones so that you can move smoothly through each shift.
In this article, we will discuss about some of the best Hoka shoes for nurses in 2022. Let’s begin!