You're in the middle of an NCLEX study session. Suddenly you see a tweet saying, "How many questions are on the NCLEX?" or,
If you're a nursing student, you've probably asked this question at least once.
It's enough to drive any nursing student crazy! It is a question that's been plaguing nursing students for years. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) has never released an official number.
So now, who to ask? Who can be trusted? Who can give you the exact answer to your question? You may find yourself in a dilemma.
But don't worry, It's good that you're reading this because we wouldn't let you down. We have the answers to all your queries.
This article contains everything you need to know about the test's number of questions and format.
Let's get down to business.
What Is NCLEX?

It stands for National Council Licensure Examination, a standardized exam that every nurse in the United States must pass to get their license.
The test is administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), which is an independent body that is responsible for accrediting nursing schools, providing support and guidance to those schools, and establishing standards for nursing education and practice.
All nurses in the US must pass the NCLEX. Thus if you plan to work in nursing after graduation, you must do so before obtaining your license.
How to Take the NCLEX

To take the NCLEX, you'll need to have graduated from an accredited nursing program and passed your state's board exams.
Once you've met those requirements, you can schedule a date with Pearson VUE—they'll tell you exactly how many days before your test date they need to receive all your information.
How Nclex is Scored?

The NCLEX uses computer adaptive testing techniques that depend on test takers' knowledge, ability, and skills. If you answer the question correctly, the next question will probably be difficult or vice versa. NCLEX Pearson VUE testing center takes the test.
The exciting thing is that the computer will end the test when it determines whether you are eligible or not. But how does the computer estimate it?
The test will end when the test taker has answered enough questions for the computer to determine whether the test taker has fallen short or met the passing score in NCLEX.
A test-taker will continue answering questions until the computer system is 95% confident that their skills fall inside or outside the passing range. The first 75 questions decide whether the candidate has passed or failed the NCLEX.
What Is the Max Amount of Questions on the NCLEX?

Have you ever wondered how many questions are on NCLEX? The number of questions on the NCLEX is some facts that we've uncovered.
We're here to tell you: it varies a lot! According to, the average question for NCLEX ranges from 75 to 265. But due to pandemics, policies have been changed. Test questions range from 75 to 145, with 5 hours allowed.
The test is designed as a pass or fail, meaning you must get at least 50% correct answers to pass.
There's also variability in how many questions there are from year to year and state to state.
Some states have more questions than others because their Board members believe their state requires more knowledge than other states do.
The number of questions and the passing standard varies from student to student based on several factors, including their knowledge, understanding, and abilities concerning patient care and other factors.
What Questions Are on the Nclex?

Some say there are ways to "game" this test by knowing the types of questions asked.
If you're a student preparing for the NCLEX, you must know what questions you might encounter on your exam to prepare accordingly.
You should also know what sort of test-taking strategies work best for different numbers of questions—and when they don't work at all!
Many questions on the NCLEX exam are designed to assess your ability to apply knowledge, skills, and critical thinking in various situations.
They'll ask you about
Health promotion and disease prevention
What to do when a patient has a specific condition or symptom
How to manage patients' pain levels
How to recognize when someone has a medical emergency
How to recognize signs of mental illness
How to administer medications safely
How much should include information about a specific topic in an assessment report
What kinds of questions should we ask during a follow-up session with a patient, and much more.
What Is the Pattern of NCLEX

Is there a pattern to the NCLEX test? What way does it follow?
The test has multiple-choice questions—you can choose from four answers, and each solution has a point value. The number of questions you correctly answered determines your grade. If you pass with a certain number of points, you are qualified to be licensed as a nurse in your state.
You'll start with a few easy questions and then move into more complex ones. It means that even if your first question is tricky, you have a chance to get some points before moving on to the next question, which will be easier than the first one. However, this also means that if you get stuck on a question early in the test, it'll be complicated for you to make up those points later.
There are four NCLEX categories
Critical Thinking Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Health Promotion and Maintenance
The exam consists of four sections
Mental health
Adult health
Safe, effective care environment
What Are the Best NCLEX Study Programs?

We have the list if you are wondering about the top NCLEX prep courses. These nclex study guides and techniques will help you to pass the NCLEX on the first try.
According to, the following are the best programs for NCLEX review.
Nurse Plus Academy
Hurst Review
NCLEX Mastery
How Much Does NCLEX Cost?

According to NCSBN, NCLEX costs $200. The exam fee applies to all candidates, including those who are in a master’s program and international nurses,
The NCLEX is the nursing licensure exam that allows you to practice independently and legally in nursing. Exams like the NCLEX aim to test your ability to apply all the knowledge you've gained in nursing school to practical situations.
We hope this guide has been helpful and will inspire you to learn about NCLEX. But we're not done yet, so don't go away! We also have many other blogs on NCLEX; see our complete guide.
I hope you have your questions answered. If not, don't hesitate to ask in the comment section below.
Is NCLEX Hard?
Your ability to apply and assess circumstances while utilizing the nursing information you learned in school is tested on the NCLEX. This test is more complex and thorough since it emphasizes logic and critical thinking rather than rote memorization.
What Is the Passing Score in NCLEX?
The NCLEX-RN passing score is 50%. The new passing standard for NCLEX RN is 0.00 logits.
Can I See Which Questions I Didn’t Answer in the NCLEX?
No, you can not see the questions. You cannot even skip the questions. It is Computerized Adaptive Testing, and you have to answer the previous question in order to move to the next question.
Are More Questions Better Than Fewer in the NCLEX?
The more questions you answer correctly, the better your score. So if you can answer more questions correctly, it's a good idea to have more questions on your exam.
But there's also a lot more information you'll have to memorize if you have fewer questions. We recommend writing your notes on each question and reviewing them to ensure you know all the points covered.
Can You Take the NCLEX at Home?
No, you can not take the NCLEX at home.