How To Stay Healthy As A Nurse Archives | Nursepective Empowerment in Nursing and Beyond Fri, 30 Dec 2022 15:37:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Stay Healthy As A Nurse? 9 Top Tips! Thu, 29 Dec 2022 09:07:46 +0000 There are few things more fulfilling than helping others. Nursing is a career that allows you to do just that, every single day. But there's also no denying it: being a nurse is hard. Your days are long and your schedule always seems to be packed with patients who need your attention.

But even though nursing can be stressful, it doesn't mean that you have to give up on your health while you're at work. In fact, if you're able to take care of yourself properly—both mentally and physically—you'll be better equipped to help your patients through their own challenges.

In this guide, I’ll talk about how you can stay healthy as a nurse by eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress levels wherever possible.

The post How To Stay Healthy As A Nurse? 9 Top Tips! appeared first on Nursepective.

How to stay healthy as a nurse?

There are few things more fulfilling than helping others. Nursing is a career that allows you to do just that, every single day. But there's also no denying it: being a nurse is hard. Your days are long and your schedule always seems to be packed with patients who need your attention.

But even though nursing can be stressful, it doesn't mean that you have to give up on your health while you're at work. In fact, if you're able to take care of yourself properly—both mentally and physically—you'll be better equipped to help your patients through their own challenges.

In this guide, I’ll talk about how you can stay healthy as a nurse by eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress levels wherever possible.

Keep reading to find out these secret tips!

#1. Eat Healthily

Eat healthily

I don't know about you, but I've always felt like the saying "you are what you eat" was a pretty accurate description. 

When you're a nurse, it can be hard to stay on top of things like choosing the right foods for your body and ensuring you have time to eat them.

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy as a nurse:

1) Keep healthy snacks on hand: Whether you're working or not, make sure that you have some healthy snacks on hand at all times!

This will help you avoid eating junk food when you're hungry and run out of time for lunch (or dinner).

2) Stock up on fruits and veggies: Fruit and veggies are easy to keep in your fridge and can be eaten at any time of day without feeling guilty about it!

They also provide an essential source of vitamins and minerals.

3) Make sure your meals are balanced: If you find yourself eating fast food every day because it's quick and easy, try making some even healthier options instead!

You can easily make your own sandwiches with whole wheat bread or wraps instead of white bread, which is often high in calories without providing much nutritional value.

#2. Don't Skip Exercise

Don't skip exercise

Don't you have time for exercise? Try this one simple trick: get up from your desk every hour and go walk around for 5 minutes—even if you're going around the block once or twice while chatting with your coworkers about their weekend plans!

You'll feel better when you come back inside, trust me!

#3. Limit your caffeine intake

Limit your caffeine

Caffeine is one of the most well-known stimulants in the world, but it's also one of the most abused.

According to studies, It can make you feel more alert, but it can also make you anxious and irritable.

In addition, too much caffeine can cause dehydration and make you feel jittery.

If you're an overachiever like me, this may be something that will never happen to you—but if it does, try to limit yourself to one cup of coffee per day (and maybe even switch to decaf).

#4. Get plenty of sleep

Get plenty of sleep

Do you know what's not fun? Not getting enough sleep.

Sleep is a nurse's best friend—after all, it's hard to get through those long shifts without a little shut-eye. It's also incredibly important for your physical and mental health.

When you're tired, you're more likely to make mistakes and be less productive at work.

And that's not even considering the impact that lack of sleep has on your overall well-being: research shows that sleep deprivation can lead to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes—all things that nurses are especially vulnerable to.

#5. Stay organized and manage your time wisely

Stay organised

I've found that staying organized and managing my time wisely is the best way to stay healthy as a nurse.

My days are full of patients, coworkers, doctors, and paperwork. The last thing I want to do is add stress to my life by not managing my time correctly!

So I make sure to prioritize everything that needs to get done.

If there's a patient who needs extra attention due to their illness or injury, I'll schedule them right away so that they don't have to wait long for care.

Then I work on paperwork at the end of the day or when there aren't any patients in need of immediate attention.

This keeps me from feeling overwhelmed by all the work I have ahead of me and allows me to focus on what matters most: giving each person in my care exactly what they need when they need it most!

#6. Take care of your skin and nails

Take care of your skin

As a nurse, you are constantly exposed to germs which can lead to illness. To protect yourself, it is essential to take care of your skin and nails.

Wash your hands frequently and use sanitizer when needed, especially before eating and after using the bathroom.

Also, try to avoid touching your face while at work as often as possible because this can spread germs from one patient to another quickly.

#7. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated

Drink Plenty Of Water

It's essential to drink lots of water every day—it keeps your body hydrated and running smoothly.

But if you're busy like me, sometimes it can be hard to remember how much is enough. 

So here's my trick: whenever I'm at work, I make sure I have a glass next to me so that when I get thirsty, I know exactly how much I need to drink.

#8. Meditate Daily

A girl meditating

I know it sounds like a lot of work, but trust me—it's worth it!

Many nurses are so busy we don't even realize how stressed out we are until it starts affecting our health. That's when we notice our chronic back pain and the headaches that come out of nowhere. 

But meditation helps you relax, which means your body can heal itself faster and more efficiently. In fact, studies have shown that regular meditation boosts immune and brain function.

#9. Be sure to have fun!

Be sure to have fun

Keeping yourself healthy as a nurse is not just about eating right and exercising. It's also about making sure you have time for fun!

I know, I know: it's hard to find time to relax when you're constantly on the go. But don't forget that your health is directly related to how well you manage your stress levels.

And one way to do that is to take some time out of each week to do something fun—whether it's going out with friends, playing video games, or whatever floats your boat.

You may not realize it now, but this practice will make all the difference in how well you cope with the stressors of being a nurse and keep yourself healthy in the process.

Conclusion - How To Stay Healthy As A Nurse!

Nurses are a special breed of people, and they have unique needs. The best way to keep up their health and well-being is to be aware of their own bodies and take action when something isn't feeling right.

It's essential for nurses to know what symptoms mean when they're experiencing them so that they can take care of themselves before things get worse.

This article has given you nine tips on how to stay healthy as a nurse. Now you have everything you need to maintain your health and wellness!


Do nurses have a good lifestyle?

Yes! Nurses have a lavish lifestyle. The hours are flexible, and nurses can work part-time or full-time, depending on their situation.

Nurses also get to work in many different settings, so you'll never be bored.

Is being a nurse bad for your health?

Nope! You'll learn how to maintain your own health and the health of patients as well.

Plus, being a nurse means you'll be helping people every day. How could that not be good for your health?

How to eat healthy in nursing school?

You don't have to give up eating junk food just because you're going to nursing school!

Just make sure it's not all you're eating—eat well-balanced meals with plenty of protein and veggies every day.

The post How To Stay Healthy As A Nurse? 9 Top Tips! appeared first on Nursepective.
